Admissions to Parley First School, In-Year Applications & Moving on to Middle School
Admissions Policies
Please click below to view the Trust admissions policies. Parley First School admissions policies are near the bottom of the page:
Our school admits children between the ages of 4 and 9 (Reception to Year 4) in accordance with the Dorset Education Authority policy. Priority is given to families living in or transferring to the area normally served by our school.
If you live outside this area and would prefer your child to attend Parley First School you will be considered under the Authority’s policy on parental preferences.
Please do not hesitate to contact Dorset School Admissions, who will advise you of the procedure to follow.
All applications for school places must be made through the Local Authority where you live.
Applications into established year groups should also be made via the local authority. Application forms can be downloaded from their website via the following link: Dorset Council – School Admissions
Full details about admission can be obtained from:
Dorset Schools Admission Team
Strategic Services
County Hall
Colliton Park
Tel: (01305) 221060
Admissions into Reception Class
In Dorset there is a single entry date in September for all 4+ aged children. All children who are 4 by 31 August will be eligible to start school in September.
Reception children are entitled to attend school full time from September however we offer the choice of a period of part-time attendance (i.e. mornings only). At Parley this may be part time until October half term or until the start of the Spring term.
The statutory age for full-time education in England is the term following a child’s fifth birthday.
Details of the application process for appeals can be found on the Dorset Council website on the link below:
Admission Appeals Timetable – Entry in September 2025
If your child has been refused a place to start in September 2025 at your preferred school and you wish to appeal, please be aware of the following:
School Admission Appeals are organised for the majority of schools in Poole by the Clerk to the Independent Appeals Panel within the Council’s Democratic Services Team.
Primary School Age places – Year R, Year 3 and Middle school – September 2025 | |
Offer letters posted to parents/carers on National Offer Day by Local Authority | 16 April 2025 |
Deadline for acceptance of offer by parent/carer | 1 May 2025 |
Deadline for lodging an on-time admission appeal | 16 May 2025 |
Appeal Hearing Dates | June and July 2025 |
- Appeals lodged after these dates will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being lodged, whichever is the later date.
- You will receive at least 10 school days’ notice of your appeal hearing date. School days do not include school holidays, inset days, bank holidays or weekends.
- Appeals are heard during the daytime on weekdays and are not normally heard during school holidays. Where there are multiple appeals for places at the same school, the hearings may go over a number of days.
- The school’s case will be made available to parents and Panel members at least 5 school days before the start of the appeal hearing.
- Additional evidence may be submitted up to 5 working days before the hearing.
- Any additional evidence received after this date might not be considered at the appeal hearing. The Appeal Panel must decide whether it should be considered taking into account its significance and the effect of a possible need to adjourn the hearing
- Following the hearing, decision letters will be sent, where possible, within 5 school days of the end of the hearing. During busy periods, such as main entry, full decision letters may take longer than this, so the Clerk will send a brief decision summary email in the interim.
- Appeal hearings for in-year places will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
Late appeals and in-year appeals will be heard in line with the deadlines set out in the School Admission Appeals Code.
Before your child starts school
At the start of the Summer Term, once we have received a final list of accepted places from the Local Authority, you will begin to receive communication from us. During June each year an evening is arranged for parents to meet the Early Years teachers, the Headteacher, members of POPS (our PTA) and the Governing Body. The evening will involve presentations, curriculum displays and a tour of the Reception Unit and whole school. We are always pleased to answer questions or discuss particular issues with you while refreshments are served.
Pre-School Visits
Pre-school visits take place late in the Summer Term. One afternoon, for two consecutive weeks the children are invited to share a wide variety of activities in the classroom becoming familiar with their new surroundings and staff. Essentially it is a time for the children and staff to get to know each other. Children will also become more familiar with the environment.
Parley First School In-Year Applications
In-year Applications are when you wish to move your child from one school to another part way through their time at a school.
Together with other schools in Dorset, and in accordance with statutory requirements, Parley First School has agreed to join the Local Authority’s co-ordinated admissions scheme for the entry admission and transfer process. Therefore, the in-year application and allocation process will be handled by the Local Authority.
Full details of the application process and the application form, can be found on the Dorset website on the link below.
Appeals against In-Year Applications
For a parent to submit an appeal to the Local Authority | At least 20 schools days from the parent receiving notice of the refusal of a school place |
Notice of the appeal hearing | At least 10 school days before the appeal hearing |
Appellants (usually the parents) to submit evidence | 8 school days before the appeal hearing |
Admissions Authority (the school) to submit their evidence | 8 school days before the appeal hearing |
The clerk (person organizing the appeal) sends appeal papers to the parents, the panel and the school | 5 school days before the appeal hearing |
Additional evidence from the appellants: sometimes the appellants want to provide additional information after seeing all the papers | 5 school days before the appeal hearing |
Decision letters sent to the appellants: this is the letter that tells the appellant if their appeal has been upheld or refused | Within 5 school days of the hearing (wherever possible) |
The Move to Middle School
Children living within the school catchment area usually transfer after Year 4 to Ferndown Middle School.
Transferring to middle school is a major event in a child’s education. Staff from Parley First School and Ferndown Middle School liaise very closely to ensure that the transfer is happy and successful for all pupils. A well established transfer programme takes place during Year 4. This involves pupils, staff and parents who will have opportunities to meet middle school staff and to familiarise themselves with the school buildings.
The Ferndown Pyramid of Schools
Our school is proud to belong to the Ferndown Pyramid of Schools. The Ferndown Pyramid is a well established community providing a rich environment for each stage of learning. Close liaison between the schools ensures continuity and progression within the curriculum when children move on to their next school.
The Ferndown Pyramid of Schools share common aims and values. Policies are developed collaboratively to ensure all pupils experience consistent attitudes and support throughout their education in Ferndown.