Charges for Activities and Educational Visits
The school’s policy for charges meets the requirements of the Education Reform Act 1996 and reflects the high standard of learning experience which we provide for the children of Parley First School.
The educational value of all proposed activities and visits is carefully considered by the staff. Voluntary contributions towards the cost of these visits and activities will be welcomed from each participating family.
Each visit/activity will only take place if sufficient voluntary contributions are received to enable us to fund it. If the visit/activity does go ahead all relevant children will participate whether or not their parents have made a voluntary contribution. If the shortfall on voluntary contributions is so great that the visit/activity cannot proceed, all monies collected will be returned to parents.
Parental permission is always requested before removing children from the school premises for educational visits.
Parents in receipt of benefit are entitled to receive assistance to enable their children to participate in residential visits. Further details can be obtained from the Headteacher.
The Governors have agreed that all pupils receiving peripatetic music lessons must pay for the cost of tuition.