From September 2014, all Early Years and Key Stage One children will be entitled to a free school meal as part of a recent government initiative which states that all children in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 at a state funded school are entitled to a free lunch meal from September 2014.

Parents of infants who might be entitled to Free School Meals because you are in receipt of qualifying benefits are strongly encouraged to check eligibility through the Free School Meals eligibility checking process. This is because even though your child will automatically get a meal, it enables their school to access additional funding for the Pupil Premium which is used to provide additional support for these children.

For more information about Pupil Premium, please click below:

 Hot School Meals

Please see below for the Hot School Meal Menu. If your child has any allergies, please contact the school office.

Each morning, your child’s teacher will ask if they have a packed lunch or they want to order a hot school meal. If they want to order a hot school meal they will be asked if they want the vegetarian or main meal option that day.

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 students are entitled to Universal Free School meals, so there will be no charge.
Year 3 and 4 parents will be invoiced for school meals the following Monday through ParentMail, the cost is £2.90 per day.

Menu – Cleverchef
Theme Days – Cleverchef

Children may choose to take advantage of the school meals provided at school or they may bring a packed lunch in a clearly named lunch box. School meals need to be ordered in advance on the morning that they are required.

Drinking water is provided for the children, however, many parents prefer to include a drink in their child’s lunch box. For health and safety reasons we request that only cold drinks be sent into school. Cans, bottles and fizzy drinks are not permitted.

The School is part of the Healthy Eating Schools’ Programme so we do encourage healthy eating.

We are a “Nut Free School”. Please consider carefully the use of nut products in lunch boxes.