An introduction to POPS

“Partners of Parley School” or as we fondly refer to ourselves as POPS is Parley’s PTA (Parent and teacher association). We are a registered charity and our main aim is to raise money to spend on things within the school to enrich the Children’s experiences. Some areas that we have recently invested in are the outdoor areas for reception, the ‘teletubby’ hills on the main field, bean bags, sofas and furnishings for reading areas within the school. As well as various toys, games and learning aids for classrooms. Each year all the students get an easter egg from POPS and we fund end of year parties for the children.

Our Team

Our Current committee Team – Leanne Hill and Lisa Ratnam are Co-chair, Kelly Foster is vice chair, Jenni Bartlett and Sophie Hayes are our treasurers and Heather Sansom is committee secretary with support from Caroline Derrick.

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) usually takes place early in the academic year. Everyone is welcome to attend and a new committee is formed each year and plans are discussed for the fundraising events for the year.

Click here and follow our group to stay up to date with any POPS news.

School Lottery

Our school lottery is an absolutely fantastic way to raise money for the school from just £1 per week, you might even be in with a chance of winning big!!

Easy Fundraising

If you do any online shopping and are not already signed up, click the picture to go to the Easy Fundraising website and search for Parley First School.


Click on the logo to order from Stamptastic and POPS get a percentage of your order value donated back to us! Simple as that!

Pre-Loved Uniform

Each Term we will hold a second-hand uniform sale at the school. Look out for the notice in the newsletters asking for good quality Logo donations.

Why not Join our PTA?

It’s fun, rewarding and very social. You could have a say in how our fundraising money is spent at the school or put forward new fundraising ideas. Get involved as much or as little as you want to.
Contact us at or drop us a message on our facebook page.