- It is very important that your child has a book bag in school every day, which should include any school reading and and your child’s learning log or diary. This is not only used for books but also for home learning and letters, and is an important way of communicating with you.
- PE: Children need to arrive at school dressed in their PE kits – shorts/joggers, school PE T-shirt, hoodie/sweatshirt and trainers.
- Children will need wellies and an old waterproof coat for Outdoor Curriculum. Children will not be allowed to wear their school shoes on the field if it is muddy.
- Children will need to bring named fruit and drink (water only please) for snack time (fruit may be cut up and brought in a small container). Only one item of fruit is necessary. Water may then be drunk at other times of the day if your child is thirsty. Please keep fruit juice and squash for lunchboxes only.
- Lunch boxes should be clearly named on the outside and should not contain chocolate bars, sweets or nut products.
- Please do not put your child’s drink bottle in their book bag at any time.
- For Reception children – Back packs should not be needed for school at this stage, as storage is limited.
- For Reception and Key Stage 1 children, a free piece of fruit will be provided in the afternoon; this may be eaten at the end of the day or sometimes may be sent home.
- For Health and Safety reasons please ensure that scooters and bikes are not ridden on the playground at any time.
- We do ask that your child does not bring toys from home unless specifically asked to.
- For health and safety reasons, we ask that long hair is tied back whilst at school to avoid the spread of headlice. Please check your child’s head regularly. Young children often play in close proximity, and this can lead to an outbreak across the school.
- If your child has pierced ears they should only wear studs. No other jewellery should be worn in school (including loom band bracelets).
- Children are encouraged to ride their scooter or bike to school, however we ask that you ensure they do not ride across the playground before or after school in order to avoid accidents with pedestrians.